Weeks Memorial Library: Services
Borrowing & Membership![]() Residents and taxpayers of the town of Lancaster, in good standing with the library, have free access to all of the library services. Non-residents may apply for library cards for an annual fee set by the library's Board of Trustees. Current non-resident annual membership fees are $40 per household or $20 for senior citizens.
All items are loaned for a two week period with the exception of videos, DVDs, and audio books which are loaned for only one week. Audio & eBooks![]() Overdrive Audio books and eBooks are here! Download thousands of audio titles . EBooks compatible with Nook, Kindle, and Mac are also available. Please be sure to stop by the library to pick up your Overdrive Library Card. Assistance with eBook devices is available Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Databases![]() Databases available at the library through the New Hampshire State Library include:
EBSCO (magazine articles, newspapers, topic and novel searches for all ages) Heritage Quest and Ancestry (genealogical sites) OCLC (Worldwide catalog) Ancestry State Library Links![]() Vital RecordsVital records from town reports are available for:
Public Computers![]() The library maintains several public computers with internet access for library card holders in good standing with the library. Guest use is permitted, but regular users are encouraged to acquire library cards.
All users are guaranteed at least 30 minutes time which can be extended by pre-arrangement or if no other person is waiting. There is a charge for copies made on the computer's printers. Color printing is not available. Patrons who make any changes to the settings of the library's computers or damage them in any way will be prohibited computer use. A parent or guardian must fill out a computer use form for all students under the age of 18. Children under the age of 12 must have an adult with them in order to use the computers. Free W-FiA free wireless connection is also available. Users are responsible for making any changes to their Internet settings necessary to use the wireless service.
Other Equipment & Fees
Meeting Room Use![]() The Weeks Memorial Library meeting room, Wingate Hall, is primarily intended for
library use, but is also available to non-profit groups or organizations. Local Lancaster groups are given priority (after the library) in its scheduling. Reservations must be made with the Library Director for the use of Wingate Hall. For policy and application see About |